"Spanner vs Wrench: Understanding the Key Differences.

A Spanner is a hand tool utilized for tightening bolts, nuts, and screws with unique shapes that can't be turned using conventional wrenches. Spanners have jaws with various shapes to grip the specific shape of the fastener head.

On the other hand, a Wrench is a tool for turning bolts and nuts with a smooth flat surface that grips the sides of the fastener for a strong grip and high torque application.

Different types of wrenches include adjustable wrenches, open-end wrenches, box-end wrenches, and socket wrenches."

Spanner Wrench
Used for turning bolts, nuts, and screws with irregular shapes Used for turning bolts and nuts
Jaws with varying shapes to grip the specific shape of the fastener head Smooth, flat surface that grips the sides of the fastener
Used when a conventional wrench can't be applied Various types available, including adjustable wrenches, open-end wrenches, box-end wrenches, and socket wrenches


Check Out our wrenches and Spanners here 


February 01, 2023
Tags: spanner wrench