5S is a system of organizing and maintaining a clean and efficient workplace.

The 5S principles are a set of best practices that originated in Japan and have been widely adopted in manufacturing, office, and service environments.

The 5S principles are:

5S Principle Explanation
Sort (Seiri) Organizing tools, equipment, and supplies, removing unnecessary items
Set in Order (Seiton) Assigning a specific location for each item to increase accessibility and reduce waste
Shine (Seiso) Cleaning the work area to maintain a safe and organized environment
Standardize (Seiketsu) Establishing procedures to maintain the organized state and prevent regression
Sustain (Shitsuke)

Continuously improving the work environment through ongoing adherence to the 5S principles


Check out our Range of 5S Tool Kits Here

or our

Individual 5S Tool Trays Here

February 01, 2023